Inactive or restricted accounts will no longer be included in LinkedIn’s connection and follower statistics.

LinkedIn's decision to exclude inactive and restricted accounts from connection and follower statistics demonstrates its dedication to delivering accurate and reliable information to its users.

Ridha Fathima
Ridha Fathima May 12, 2023
Updated 2023/05/12 at 7:03 AM

LinkedIn, the leading professional networking platform, has recently made a notable announcement that it will no longer include inactive or restricted accounts in connection and follower statistics. This change reflects LinkedIn’s commitment to providing its users with accurate and reliable information about their network and engagement. By excluding inactive accounts from connection and follower counts, LinkedIn seeks to ensure that users have a more realistic understanding of their true reach and influence on the platform. Inactive accounts refer to those that have been abandoned or have not shown any activity for a significant period. These accounts no longer contribute to the engagement or interaction within the LinkedIn community, and including them in statistics can lead to misleading perceptions of one’s network size and influence. Similarly, restricted accounts, which are accounts that have been temporarily limited due to violations of LinkedIn’s community guidelines, will also be excluded from connection and follower statistics. This decision serves to maintain the integrity and quality of users’ networks by focusing on active and engaged connections.

The move to exclude inactive and restricted accounts from connection and follower statistics brings several benefits to LinkedIn users. Firstly, it provides a more accurate representation of one’s professional network. Users will have a clearer understanding of the actual number of active connections they have and can rely on this information when engaging with their network for professional opportunities, collaborations, or content sharing. Additionally, this change encourages a healthier and more authentic user experience on the platform. By focusing on active accounts, LinkedIn aims to foster meaningful connections and interactions among professionals. Users will be able to engage with individuals who are actively participating in the platform, which can lead to more fruitful networking experiences and professional relationships. Moreover, this update aligns LinkedIn with industry best practices and brings it in line with other social media platforms that have already implemented similar measures. By adopting these standards, LinkedIn demonstrates its commitment to providing users with transparent and reliable metrics, ensuring that they can make informed decisions based on accurate data.

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It is important to note that this change may result in a decrease in connection and follower counts for some users. However, this adjustment will provide a more accurate representation of user engagement and network size. LinkedIn encourages users to focus on the quality of their connections rather than solely pursuing high numbers. The platform values meaningful interactions and the cultivation of genuine professional relationships. LinkedIn’s decision to exclude inactive and restricted accounts from connection and follower statistics demonstrates its dedication to delivering accurate and reliable information to its users. By doing so, LinkedIn aims to provide a more authentic networking experience, where users can engage with active and relevant professionals in their respective industries. This change reflects the platform’s commitment to transparency and ensuring that users have a realistic understanding of their network size and influence.

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