Top 4 Cutting-Edge AI Integrated EdTech Tools You Need to Try

Nishita Gupta
Nishita Gupta June 6, 2023
Updated 2023/06/06 at 8:29 AM

The top cutting-edge AI-integrated EdTech tools you need to try can push the boundaries of EdTech

Artificial Intelligence has become an indispensable tool for businesses across various industries. The Cutting-Edge AI-integrated edTech tools offer a wide range of functionalities that have revolutionized their work processes, increase efficiency, and driven growth. The tools have enhanced the learning and teaching experiences in the EdTech sector.

Technology impact in education is growing at an unprecedented rate and many educational institutions have drifted away from the traditional EdTech business model and started embracing the latest technologies into their business processes. Before diving deep into the concept, let’s discover some promising trends of AI in Education. The four most significant trends making an impact are personalized learning and intelligent tutoring systems, NLP, Gamification, etc.  The education is numerous such as improved student outcomes, cost-effectiveness, greater accessibility, and enhanced efficiency. Let’s explore the top 4 cutting-edge AI-integrated EdTech Tools you must try:

1. Brainly

Brainly is an AI-powered platform designed to help students ask and answer questions, share knowledge, and solve problems. They use AI algorithms to offer the most relevant and helpful answers to questions, improve the accuracy and efficiency of moderation and content moderation on the platform, and make personalized learning recommendations to help learn and progress effectively. It fosters a sense of community and encourages collaborative problem-solving.

2. Cognii

An AI virtual tutor that uses natural language understanding to provide personalized feedback and assessments. It can be integrated into learning management systems to deliver interactive and adaptive learning experiences.

3. Duolingo

A popular language-learning platform that offers courses in over 40 languages. Duolingo platform is free providing a gamified approach to language learning. As they progress through the course, users can earn points and unlock achievements. Founded by Luis von Ahn and Severin Hacker in 201, it uses NLP to develop chatbots to assist learners. This offers the feature of communicating with learners in their target language. Duolingo also uses ML algorithms to analyze student input, understand queries and mistakes and offer personalized feedback.

4. Knewton

Knewton, founded in 2008 offers personalized learning solutions. It has developed an AI-powered platform that analyzes data on students’ learning behaviours and provides personalized recommendations to optimize their educational experience with now an upgradation to ML algorithms for the analysis. These technologies provide students with personalized lesson plans, content recommendations, study strategies, content recommendations, etc.


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