280-characters on Twitter is finally here and a lot more!

AJ Recella
AJ Recella November 10, 2017
Updated 2022/04/14 at 11:00 AM
280-characters on Twitter is finally here and a lot more!
280-characters on Twitter is finally here and a lot more!

The expansion of 280-characters on Twitter is hot and trending right now as it rolls out on public today to all users in different languages. The company had first announced the controversial plan to move beyond its traditional 140 characters back in September.

Users especially who spoke English, Spanish or French with longer words, (unlike Chinese or Japanese characters where you can express a word with just one character) they are happy about this update. Twitter users pointed how a longer character count can allow them to express more of their thoughts without running out of room to tweet.

After two days of this announcement, Twitter also released a feature that might annoy or make people satisfied. As of Nov. 9, your display name can be more than twice as long as the old rules allowed. LIKE 50 CHARACTERS MORE. You can now add your second name and middle name.

Unfortunately they didn’t change the username count and will still remain at 15-characters long. But, as 280 has shown us, when it comes to Twitter more characters is always better.

Shoutout to @Twitter, please grant us the edit button already! Sincerely, your clumsy users.

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