A Warning From Google Directs Subscribe Users To Update Chrome Immediately

Rithika Biswas
Rithika Biswas August 22, 2022
Updated 2022/08/22 at 2:13 PM

A per googl’s warning, the users must update their browsers as soon as possible. Why the ungecy one might as? Well, google have updated their sand ecurity handled 11 of their security risks. As per labling the risks, one is of ‘critical’ risk, 6 of them has been labled as ‘high sevierity’ and the last 3 have been labled as ‘medium sevierity’. 

Google has taken action and fixed their site vunrabilities to protect users from the increasing threat of cyber crimes with it’s updated version 104. Thus, upadting Chrome is of utmost ungency, as warned and adviced by the tech giant. 

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Google has also announced off the latest updates in Chrome version 104.0.5112/101 for Linux and Max and version 104.0.5112.102/101 for Windows. The updates are available for installation on their website. All of the updates had been a part of Chrome’s very own Blog post.

These 11 security vunrabilities that had been fixed and have been labled as critical, high sevierity and medium sevierity have not been discussed in details with the public. It restricts bug details until almost everyone has updated their Chrome. Google has let it slip that they are “aware that an exploit for CVE-2022-2856 has been detected” out open in this wide wild.

This has led people to believe that hackers have been using the said bug for nefarious and unthinkable purposes, endangering users from mild to big cyber crimes with no protection or knowledge of what might happen. This makes it a top priority task for Mac and Windows users to update so, immediately. 

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The process of updating the privacy hold of Chrome can be carried out in simple steps. One needs to open the chrome home page, click on the three dots on the top right corner of the webpage, click on help, click on About Google Search, and click on the pop-up box to allow chrome to look for updates from the company, if the programme hasn’t auto-updated then an update option will show. Click on a relaunch for the new update to revamp and take place, and the browser will relaunch the previous site in a few seconds in a more protected way. 

On the other hand, if the auto-update is switched on, be it on pc or smartphone, the update would have been rendered automatically! If on the smartphone, a few clicks would lead them to the Google Play Store or Apple Store where one can easily update the application. 


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