Alteryx AiDIN Copilot in market

Shruti Govil
Shruti Govil May 22, 2024
Updated 2024/05/22 at 5:47 AM

Alteryx announced Alteryx AiDIN Copilot on Thursday. It is an AI helper that helps increase revenue and improve operational efficiency by creating analytical workflows more quickly. It provides a conversational user interface for data interaction by utilizing the Gemini AI models from Google Cloud.

By placing tools right on the Alteryx Designer canvas, the Alteryx AiDIN Copilot will speed up the analytics process and cut down on the amount of time spent on manual settings.

When users chat with AiDIN Copilot, the drag-and-drop desktop analytics tool Alteryx Designer will provide best-practice answers to help with the building of analytics workflows.

Upskilling programs, referenceable AI, and private data management are examples of governance functions that Alteryx’s Copilot can manage.

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The purpose of the new Alteryx AiDIN Copilot is to facilitate: 

  • AiDIN Copilot will put tools right on the Alteryx Designer canvas, cut down on the time spent on manual settings, and speed up the analytics process overall, enabling data professionals to address business challenges more quickly. 
  • All staff members will be able to use AI to make data-driven decisions by chatting with AiDIN Copilot, which will provide best-practice solutions in return. Alteryx Designer is Alteryx’s premier drag-and-drop desktop analytics tool, and users can use this to create analytics workflows. 
  • IT to employ AI in a trusted and managed environment: Based on Alteryx’s Responsible AI Principles, IT executives can rely on the governance features—like the Upskilling Program, Referenceable AI, and Private Data Handling—to act as checkpoints. 


According to Alteryx Chief Product Officer Suresh Vittal, “our customers can be more efficient and deliver high-value insights at unparalleled speed by integrating AI into our products.”

By utilizing the automation and innovation built into Alteryx Designer with AiDIN Copilot,

“we believe enterprises will gain a competitive edge and will empower everyone across the business to tackle their most pressing problems with analytics,”

he continued.

What is Alteryx?

Alteryx’s AI Platform for Enterprise Analytics provides meaningful insights. Using a secure platform that can be deployed in on-premises, hybrid, and cloud environments, Alteryx enables enterprises to make decisions more quickly and intelligently. Alteryx is trusted by over 8,000 clients worldwide to automate analytics for bettering revenue performance, controlling expenses, and reducing risks throughout their enterprises.

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