Apple Recommends Against Using Rice to Dry a Drenched iPhone

Mahek Baid
Mahek Baid February 20, 2024
Updated 2024/02/20 at 11:48 AM

Apple, has issued a warning against a common practice many people resort to when their iPhones get wet – using rice to dry them out. In a recent update on its support site, Apple has debunked this age-old method, stating that it could actually cause more harm than good to your device.

For years, dropping smartphones into water has been a common mishap, prompting users to seek quick fixes. One of the most popular remedies has been to place the wet device in a bag or bowl of rice, with the hope that the rice will absorb the moisture and save the day. However, Apple, along with many tech experts, now advises against this practice.

According to Apple’s update, putting a wet iPhone in rice can potentially damage the device further. This is because small particles of rice may enter the phone and harm internal components. To address this issue, Apple has introduced a new liquid detection feature, which alerts users when their iPhone has been exposed to moisture. The guidance advises users not to charge the device until it is completely dry.

The warning from Apple comes as a response to the persistent belief in the effectiveness of using rice to fix wet iPhones. This method, although widely adopted, is now being discouraged by the company due to its potential to cause more harm than good.

So, what should you do if your iPhone gets wet? Apple recommends a few simple steps to help dry out your device safely. First and foremost, do not attempt to plug in any cables until both your iPhone and the cable are completely dry. Instead, gently tap your iPhone against your hand with the connector facing down to remove excess liquid. Then, leave your iPhone in a dry area with some airflow for at least 30 minutes before attempting to charge it again.

It’s important to note that using external heat sources or compressed air to dry your iPhone is not recommended by Apple, as these methods can also cause damage. Similarly, inserting foreign objects like cotton swabs or paper towels into the connector should be avoided.

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