Bluesky Unveils Enhanced Content Moderation and Unique Features

Srishti Dey
Srishti Dey December 17, 2023
Updated 2023/12/17 at 10:00 AM

Introduction: Jack Dorsey’s social media network, Bluesky, plans to launch sophisticated automated content moderation technologies as a rival to current platforms. The most recent change to the platform promises to improve the moderating process and adds tools to recognize and report content that deviates from community standards.

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I. Automated Moderation with Enhancement:

Bluesky wants to make the user experience better by bringing more sophisticated automatic content control solutions. Moderators will be able to handle problems without users coming across hazardous content thanks to these technologies, which will detect and flag spam, offensive content, and more.

II. User Reporting Feature: Bluesky is bringing back the ability for users to report their own postings if they think that material has been incorrectly classified in response to user complaints. By working along with the moderation staff, this user reporting option helps to quickly correct errors.

III. Novel Features:

Bluesky is launching new features, such as moderation lists and user lists. While moderation lists enable users to block or silence several accounts at once, user lists offer general collections. The purpose of these features is to improve user customization and control.

IV. Distinctive Holding Structure: Although Bluesky and Twitter have comparable characteristics and looks, they differ from one another due to their unique holding structure. With a focus on a dedication to a “public benefit” structure, the firm is controlled by its founding team, allowing resources to be allocated toward the platform’s objective free from shareholder requirements.

V. Interoperability’s Vision:

The main objective of Bluesky is to create an international norm or procedure. By enabling developers and current social networks to produce tailored solutions, this standard may even make Twitter a client on this cutting-edge “platform of platforms.” Promoting interoperability in the absence of a centralized authority is the goal.

VI. CEO’s Vision: Jay Graber, the CEO of Bluesky, sees the platform serving as a building block for social apps of the future that are inspired by the inventiveness and openness of the early online. The goal is to assist open and decentralized networks via research and development of related technologies.

In summary:

Bluesky’s dedication to user welfare and innovation is demonstrated by its most recent innovations in content moderation tools and distinctive features. Users can look forward to a more secure and customisable social networking experience as the platform continues to improve its features. Bluesky’s unique ownership structure and interoperability ambition establish it as a significant participant in the rapidly changing social networking scene.


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