Disney+ Users Cannot Share Passwords With Friends Anymore: Here’s What We Know

Srishti Dey
Srishti Dey February 10, 2024
Updated 2024/02/10 at 7:01 AM

Keep your Mickey Mouse ears on, people! Alongside Netflix, Disney+ has recently entered the fray, and they take password sharing seriously. As of November 1st, Disney+ in Canada is enforcing the legislation and informing users that “No more free rides for your friends!” Here’s the lowdown on their stringent new regulations.

1. The Problem with Password Sharing


We all like showing our friends the wonder of Disney, but it appears the House of Mouse is putting a stop to it. Disney+ is prepared to play tough; users who break the rules risk having their access restricted or even having their accounts terminated. Mickey is a serious person.

2. Sherlock with Household Rules on Disney+

In order to enforce these new guidelines, Disney+ has a secret weapon: the idea of a “household.” Who then has access to watch on your account? The people or equipment in the same house with the same IP address are more likely to be the culprits. The tech experts at Disney have some cunning plans in place to monitor platform usage.

However, there’s still more! If you live in the West and feel inclined to be kind, you can spend a little additional money to allow your pals to view Disney+ material. That is what we refer to as “friendship goals” now.

What Comes Next for Disney+ Globally?

Move over, Netflix: Disney may also drop password sharing | Cybernews

Is there any chance that Disney+ would implement these stringent guidelines everywhere? Particularly in nations like India, where users of mobile devices have access to a freemium plan. Even though it’s too soon to say, if Netflix’s password crackdown in India is any indicator, other companies may follow similar.

It’s obvious that the days of using your friends’ accounts for free are over as Disney+ joins the streaming services in tightening the screws on password sharing. Consequently, keep in mind that Mickey means business and that the House of Mouse is watching whether you’re in Canada, India, or anywhere else in the streaming cosmos. Enjoy the beauty of Disney+ in moderation, people!

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