Google, together with Disney and OtterBox, launched a new device which is said by The Verge to be the first product from an OtterBox’s Den Series of Google Home accessories.
The new Google Home Mini which is featuring the Disney character Mickey Mouse. The Google Home Mini with Mickey Mouse design has a 5.408 inch in height, 3.598 inches in Depth, 5.875 inches in width, and has .226 lb or 102.6 grams. The Google Home Mini has its speaker which is apparently the head of Mickey Mouse and its signature mouse ears. The newly design device is produced for an easy installation and effortless interaction. The product includes a Den Series Base and Instruction manual in the box.
Google has not yet confirmed the release date of the upcoming Google Home Mini but they announced that the starting price is $19.95. The pre-order for the new device is coming soon.