Google Meet has a whole new experience for web app users

Khushi Bali
Khushi Bali August 20, 2022
Updated 2022/08/20 at 8:02 AM

Long after the epidemic hit the world, video conferencing became important. Most of the teachers conducted the online mode of teaching. Zoom, Google Meet, and Microsoft Teams are now commonplace and available on almost all devices as a result. There are always going to be exceptions, such as with devices that receive these types of video calls so infrequently that it is not worthwhile to download an app for them. Google Meet for web browsers is available specifically for that use. Now it is receiving improvements that put it on par with the specialised Meet apps.

This resembles the age-old conflict between online apps and conventional programmes that you may download to devices. Although many of these limitations have since been addressed, online programmes could previously not even utilise a computer’s GPU to enhance graphics or video quality. For a particularly resource-intensive activity—video conferencing—Google Meet on the web has been attempting to get around these trade-offs. We can use Google Meet on devices that might not have the processing ability to manage the needs of the software thanks to this most recent upgrade.

Google Meet

Cleaner background is a must

Due to the necessity for real-time video and audio processing, video conversations use a lot of resources. There is a necessity of blurring backdrops or even using virtual backgrounds to conceal a user’s physical space. However, it has made them much more challenging recently. Due to the amount of processing required, this can be particularly difficult for users of web apps. Somehow, Google assures that the most recent version of Meet for web has a more accurate separation of background. Additionally it has a foreground to minimise visual artefacts when employing background effects.

New feature to reduce computer load

Older and less powerful computers that are incompatible with the native Meet apps can be supported by Google Meet over the web. However, that doesn’t guarantee that it will function properly on those systems.

Background processing could drain a significant amount of processing power from a computer that is already having trouble. According to Google, Meet now offers the option to outsource such work to the cloud. This may cut the strain on the computer’s CPU by as much as 30%. This not only reduces processing usage but also helps to extend battery life.

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