Google Prepares to Add ‘Satellite SOS’ Feature on Pixel Devices

Mahek Baid
Mahek Baid March 3, 2024
Updated 2024/03/03 at 8:05 AM

Google is gearing up to introduce a groundbreaking feature called “Satellite SOS” on its Pixel smartphones. This feature aims to provide emergency connectivity even in the most remote and challenging situations

Various reputable sources, like Android Authority, have confirmed this development. According to PhoneArena, Pixel users will soon have the ability to directly contact emergency services via satellites when traditional cellular and Wi-Fi networks are unavailable. This feature, called “Satellite SOS,” draws parallels with the Emergency SOS via Satellite feature found in the iPhone 14 and 15 models.

This new feature will be conveniently accessible through the Settings menu under “Safety & emergency.” Users will find a dedicated page explaining how to use the Satellite SOS feature, and there might even be a demo or trial mode available.

This update aligns perfectly with Google’s previous announcement in 2022 about incorporating satellite support in Android 14. While Google hasn’t officially confirmed the Satellite SOS feature, details from the app update strongly suggest its imminent release.

The Satellite SOS feature is poised to be a game-changer, providing Pixel users traveling through remote areas without traditional cellular coverage with a crucial lifeline. This innovation offers peace of mind to individuals traversing disaster-affected regions, campers, and avid hikers, ensuring access to vital assistance in case of an emergency.

While the description directly refers to “your Pixel,” it remains uncertain whether this feature will be exclusive to Pixel devices. Google has a history of rolling out innovative features across the Android ecosystem, so we’ll keep an eye out for any announcements.

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