Google releases new AR tech demo Chacmool

Cerina Cruz
Cerina Cruz June 18, 2018
Updated 2022/04/14 at 10:59 AM

Google is further pushing their AR platform on the net with the release of Chacmool, a tech demo used in Chrome Canary that runs on the WebXR Hit Test API. Chacmool is now enabled in both Canary and Android devices (running Oreo) compatible to Google ARCore.

On their developers’ site, the announcement reads “The Chacmool AR experience is centered around education, leveraging AR’s immersive and interactive nature to help users learn about ancient Chacmool sculptures. Users can place a life size statue in their reality and move around to see the sculpture from various different angles and distances. The immersive nature of AR allows users to freely explore, discover and play with content, just like they can in the real world.”

The company also released a video showing off Chacmool in practical application.

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