Google is testing out a new layout for their Image Search

Cerina Cruz
Cerina Cruz June 27, 2018
Updated 2022/04/14 at 10:59 AM

Google is currently trying out a new layout for their Image Search results, and it looks quite familiar to another site that is also an image search platform. Google confirmed the news to TechCrunch.

google image search new layout testing

Pinterest seems to be the new inspiration behind the new Image Search, with each image now coming with a caption and badge describing the image. Further information will be shown when the image is clicked. TechCrunch’s report reads, “It’s testing a new look for its images search on desktop that is aligning pictures vertically rather than horizontally, making the results look more like Pinterest’s. The images now have short captions and sometimes small badges describing what it is (“product” or a video, for example).”

Google did not further comment on the news when asked by Engadget. A spokesperson told them, “We’re constantly experimenting to improve our experience with Google Images and don’t have anything further to announce at this time,”

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