Grabb-IT releases a new product that can see on a ride-sharing car

Sharmaine Centeno
Sharmaine Centeno August 16, 2018
Updated 2022/04/14 at 10:59 AM

Grabb-IT introduced an offline digital promotion of Digital goods for the Dynamically Served Digital OOH (DD-OOH) format for the company.

Grabb-IT made a full-color Video or Display advertising format that can be seen at the rear window of a ride sharing vehicle. The commercial or advertisement has a 30 second TV slot with a full LCD quality. The advertisement will pause awhile and will repeat so that people can be able to watch the ad again. It was said that the TV creative was given by the greeting card company, according on their TV and Video digital strategy.

According to TechCrunch, “While this prototype requires the driver to manually toggle the projector by remote control, Grabb-It’s founders tell me their eventual hardware will automatically detect when the rear doors open and cut the projector on-the-fly.”

The company will cover the price of installation for drivers. The driver will need to peel the material used and uninstall the projector from the window if they want to remove it.

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