Jack Dorsey shows his support for Elon Musk- calls him the single most trustworthy solution for Twitter

Cindrella Kashyap
Cindrella Kashyap April 26, 2022
Updated 2022/05/01 at 6:38 PM
Jack Dorsey
Jack Dorsey. Source- financialexpress/Bloomberg

Elon Musk has finally emerged as the winner after his recent bid to acquire one of the world’s largest microblogging platform- Twitter. On Monday, the deal was finalised at last. And according to the terms of the deal, the Tesla Chief is the brand new CEO of Twitter. However, among all the mixed reactions regarding this major takeover, the co-founder and former CEO of the platform, Jack Dorsey had something to say. He took to Twitter to show his support wholeheartedly.


Jack Dorsey
Jack Dorsey. Source- MarketWatch

In a series of tweets, Dorsey expressed that he genuinely trusts Elon Musk to be the future that Twitter needs. In fact, he started off the thread with the very popular and nostalgic Radiohead song “Everything in its right place”.

Back in 2013, Jack Dorsey took this social media platform public. Recalling his move, he tweeted that taking Twitter back from the Wall Street is absolutely the most accurate step that Musk has taken. Today, according to the Bloomberg data, the principal executive officer of Block, Inc. holds a 2.3% stake in the firm.

Dorsey further added that he does not believe that anyone should be the sole owner or should run Twitter. Twitter is a platform which wants to act for the good of the public at a protocol level and not only as a company. He continued that in regards to solving the issues of Twitter being a company, Elon Musk is the single most trustworthy solution in his opinion. According to the viral tweet, Dorsey trusts Musk’s mission to extend the light of consciousness.

Continuing the thread, Jack Dorsey further commented that Elon’s vision to make Twitter trusted and broadly inclusive is correct. He further thanked the SpaceX CEO in conclusion for helping the company get out of an impossible situation. He continued that he believes with all his heart that Musk is treading on the right path.


Elon Musk
Elon Musk. Source- THEO WARGO/GETTY

It is safe to say that Musk’s takeover over Twitter is bringing in a lot of opinions and creating a huge controversy. As per the latest deal, a solely Elon Musk owned entity will acquire Twitter for an amount of $54.20 per share in cash. This is in regards to the transaction valued at around $44 billion. It is expected that the deal will close in 2022.

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