Kaspersky’s report on phishing threats

Shruti Govil
Shruti Govil April 15, 2024
Updated 2024/04/18 at 6:19 PM

Despite the fact that there were 709 million phishing attempts prevented in 2023—a 40% rise from the previous year—the most often exploited platforms in 2023 were AI systems, messaging applications, social media platforms, and cryptocurrency exchanges.

According to a Kaspersky report, the yearly review of the spam and phishing threat environment also showed a consistent pattern of rise in phishing attacks, which kept becoming worse in 2023. 

Scams and Phishing in 2023

Attacks became even more frequent in May and June. This pattern may be tied to the start of the holiday season, when con artists typically spread travel-related frauds like fake airline tickets, trip packages, and alluring hotel offers. 

The growing adoption of devices with integrated GPT conversations gave con artists additional opportunities to target their victims.


, fraudulent links on Telegram have increased by 22%, according to security analysts, who also noticed a spike in attacks propagated through messaging services. 

Russia, Brazil, and Turkey accounted for the most number of blocked redirection attempts in messengers via phishing and scam URLs. After Germany and Italy, where Telegram-based phishing links also increased, Indian users were the fourth most targeted group. 

How can one defend themselves against such frauds?

  • To assist businesses in safeguarding their systems from the harm caused by a successful phishing attack, Kaspersky experts suggest:
  • You should only click links and open emails from senders you are certain you can trust.
  • It’s wise to get in touch with a sender via a different channel of contact if the message appears odd even though the sender appears to be authentic.
  • If you think you may be viewing a phishing page, double-check the spelling of the website’s URL. In that case, the URL can have typos that are difficult to notice right away, like a 1 for an I or a 0 for an O.
  • While online, make use of a tried-and-true security solution. These solutions have the ability to detect and prevent spam and phishing campaigns because they have access to global threat intelligence sources.


Get to know about these top organizations which were a victim of phishing – Victims of this Massive Phishing Scheme

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