Spotify’s latest EU update blocked by Apple, again

Sanjana Dhar
Sanjana Dhar April 26, 2024
Updated 2024/04/26 at 2:46 PM

Spotify wants pricing information to be included for direct subscriptions through the Spotify iPhone app. However, Apple rejected the request.

Spotify says that their request has been rejected by Apple because the music streaming platform would not request an entitlement and pay a commission to Apple that Apple usually takes in case of purchases made from external links. According to the EU ruling earlier this year, Apple must allow music streaming platforms or apps to include external purchase links. However the updated rules of Apple say that the app developers will need to use the Music Streaming Services Entitlement. It also says that Apple is still taking commissions from the purchases.

“This entitlement is required even if your app does not include an external link (nor does it require that you offer an external link). We will, however, approve version 8.9.33 after you accept the terms of the Music Streaming Services Entitlement (EEA) and resubmit it for review,” says the message sent from Apple to Spotify by Apple spokesperson Hannah Smith.

SpotifyNews posted a notice saying, “Despite Apple’s attempts to punish developers with new fees, we remain committed to giving consumers real choice in our app at no increased cost. That’s why we have submitted a new update to Apple. It features basic pricing and website information – the bare minimum outlined under the European Commission’s ruling in its music streaming case. By charging developers for communicating with consumers through links in-app, Apple continues to break European law. It’s past time for the Commission to enforce its decision so that consumers can see real, positive benefits,” -Dustee Jenkins, Spotify’s Chief Public Affairs Officer.

Spotify spokesperson Jeanne Moran tells The Verge – “Apple has once again defied the European Commission’s decision, rejecting our update for attempting to communicate with customers about our prices unless we pay Apple a new tax.”, “Their disregard for consumers and developers is matched only by their disdain for the law.”


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