The internet is a weird place and it has no shortage of bizarre content. The first week of June bought such creation to light. It’s a creepy Spider-Legged Night Lamp that crawls like an insect and is designed to lead one to the bathroom at night.
It’s sure to scare the living daylights out of Arachnophobes and anyone who doesn’t like spiders.
A Japanese IT Engineer, Lanius created a creepy night lamp that has giant spider legs as its propeller. This robotic spider-legged lamp is in charge of providing you light in the dead of the night when you get up for bathroom breaks.
He made this eerie invention so that his little kids could follow the spider lamp & go to the bathroom, without being afraid of the dark.
On 5th June, Lanius posted a video of his creation on Twitter and has been getting attention ever since. The whacky creation includes motorized spider legs for a store-bought night lamp. The whole thing was a result of this Robot enthusiast IT engineer trying to think of good use of his 3D printed leg.
In just 6 days, the post has already acquired 229K likes & 50.8K retweets. Watch the eerie video right here.
This Japanese father had already put these “spider legs” on his two younger children’s toy boxes, but he was searching for better use. Looking at his children, he was reminded of how he used to be afraid of going to the toilet in the dead of the night as he didn’t want to switch the main lights and wake up his family.
This birthed the idea of having a guided lamp partner to and from the bathroom.
In an interview, the inventor says “that it gives you the feeling of being with someone”. But after watching the 23-second viral video on Twitter, people don’t share his views.
Patrons on Twitter have a different reaction to his innovation. They consider the Spidey-legged Night Lamp to be downright disturbing and scary – especially in the dead of the night.
A few comments entail – “Nightmare fuel”, “I would buy one. Just for fun and scanning others”. “I physically cannot express how badly I want one”. & “scarier than ghosts, it’s a spider. Imagine walking in the dark and spiders climbing their legs”.
The happy and excited Lanius revealed that he is planning on making one autonomously over the current version. Bluetooth & Joystick is what he has been using to control the viral version.
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