Top Ten Productivity Apps To Get The Best Out Of You!

Moubani Pal
Moubani Pal April 28, 2022
Updated 2022/04/28 at 4:28 PM
Google Drive

We sometimes get caught up in slumps and have no idea how to get out. If you’re someone who’s in a slump then the perfect remedy for you is using productivity apps. If  you’re someone who is caught between the huge number of productivity apps in the Play Store and don’t know which one is the best for you, then here is a list of ten productivity apps for you:


  1. ProofHub is a single platform that may be used for many different purposes. It’s a one-stop-shop for freelancers, remote teams, small businesses, and enterprises to plan, collaborate, organize, track, proof, and deliver work in a smarter, faster, and more efficient manner. Chat, discussion, Gantt chart, Kanban board, Custom roles, Custom reports, Files, Notes, Timesheets, and much more are among the platform’s highlights.
  2. Slack, even though it suggests the exact opposite, is a tool that helps in team collaborations and runs on the cloud. Information and people come together in Slack to produce effective results. Time messaging, file sharing, and advanced search are three of this popular platform’s main features.
  3. if you’ve not guessed already is a task manager that aids professionals in staying organised and completing a lot of tasks in a small amount of time. allow you to manage all of your tasks, lists, and reminders in one place and sync them across all of your devices.
  4. Evernote is one of the greatest programmes for task management, organisation, and note-taking. You can effortlessly capture and prioritise ideas, projects, meeting minutes, and to-do lists in one place using Evernote, ensuring that nothing slips between the cracks.
  5. RescueTime is a completely automated time tracking software application that aims to give users more control over how they spend their time on various chores and activities.Google Drive
  6. Google Drive is a file storage and synchronisation system supplied by Google, as most of us are aware. The purpose of this platform is to make the process of saving, editing, sharing, and collaborating on documents easier for people who are working on a project or goal together.
  7. OnePager Pro is a Gantt chart and timeline programme. The software tool was created to allow project managers and their teams to quickly convert project files and spreadsheets into beautiful summary graphics.
  8. The most powerful social media management platform is Hootsuite. It allows you to manage various networks and profiles from a single location. Marketers and marketing teams can easily manage their social media activity across all platforms and track overall engagement using Hootsuite.
  9. QuickBooks as the name suggests is a software that primarily is designed to deal with accountants of small businesses. The application is designed to make tasks like bank reconciliation, expense tracking, invoice generating, and financial report monitoring easier.
  10. Zoho online CRM software is a SaaS-based customer relationship management solution that helps teams (especially sales) recruit, keep, and delight more customers on demand.
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