WhatsApp Users Alert: Changes in Storage Backups, Here’s What You Need to Know!

Srishti Dey
Srishti Dey January 29, 2024
Updated 2024/01/29 at 7:26 AM

As the time of WhatsApp’s free storage backups draws to an end, big changes are ahead for users of the messaging service. These changes have already been felt by those utilizing the beta version, indicating that all WhatsApp users will need to make an adjustment. As a result of this move, users must either actively maintain their WhatsApp backup files or be ready to spend money on Google Drive storage. Let’s examine the specifics of how users will be impacted by these changes.

Modifications to WhatsApp Backups:

Users using the beta version of WhatsApp have already noticed changes to the storage backup. The messaging platform is changing the well-known practice of free storage backups. WhatsApp now emphasizes the prospect of backing up discussions and media to the storage on their Google account.

Impact on Google Drive Storage:

These modifications have an effect on Google Drive storage, where users may access their WhatsApp account’s settings and conversation backups. The space used up by Drive, Gmail, and Google Photos is now visible in the managed storage area of the Google Drive app. Notably, the space used by WhatsApp data backups is visible under a new category called “other.”

Reasons for Changes:

Although neither Google nor WhatsApp have provided a clear explanation for these modifications, there are rumors that Google’s ability to continue offering free cloud storage may have been compromised by the vast number of WhatsApp users. This decision to restructure storage arrangements may have been motivated by the changing environment.

Storage Choices for Users:

In spite of the changes, users may keep backing up their data without paying extra as long as they don’t use more than the 15GB of free cloud storage that comes with their Google Account or any additional storage that they buy, like Google One. To accommodate different storage demands, Google One provides premium plans with capacities ranging from 100GB to 2TB. As the public version of these updates rolls out in the coming weeks, it will be clear how these changes affect user behavior—whether they decide to reduce their data or choose for more storage.

Users of WhatsApp, be ready for a change in the storage environment. Users must manage their data wisely or think about Google’s premium storage choices as free storage backups change. We’ll see in the upcoming weeks how these modifications affect user decisions on cloud storage.

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