Differentiating Between An Article Written By Chat GPT And One Written by A Human

Articles written by Chat GPT might be eerily similar to humans but that doesn't mean they have no differences.

Rithika Biswas
Rithika Biswas March 28, 2023
Updated 2023/04/03 at 8:46 AM

We have entered a world where we have lost the ability to distinguish fake news from real news. In the flourishing era of ChatGPT, chatbots and AI applications have been taking a stand. From turning a single sentence or scenario into a complete illustration to writing a whole article with AI, most of us don’t know which is real anymore.

Everywhere we look, AI and ChatGPT have been taking over, from menial human jobs to even proper jobs. Some argue that this surge of AI in our lives is doing more harm than good! It can be easy to get lost in the sea of all the ways Chat GPT can help us, and do our work in a matter of seconds, which probably would have been done in a few hours. But this leaves the platform open to people who are interested in misusing this power. 

It has become increasingly impossible to determine if something has been composed by a human or Chat GPT. For example, a coded programming language might as well write this article, but the use of intricate wording might point fingers towards a human. Over this very article, some might argue about the source while others might not bat another eyelash, showcasing how unbothered they are with the situation. 

One way to distinguish between a Chat GPT article and a human-written one is by examining the writing style. While Chat GPT is capable of generating text that is grammatically correct and coherent, it lacks the nuance and personality that comes with human writing. Human-written articles often have a distinct voice, tone and style that is unique to the author. By contrast, Chat GPT articles are often more factual and lack the individuality of human writing. But then again this whole paragraph might have been curated by said AI and none batted their eye! 

ChatGPT: Why the human-like AI chatbot suddenly has everyone talking | Euronews

However, articles written by Chat GPT more often than ever lack dept, especially for topics which go over a wide range. Take into consideration that an article to be written on scientific research, if written by AI will lack depth and a simple understanding of the topic which humans would in-evidently add to their articles as a personal flair. Human authors tend to leave a reflection of their knowledge, experience and perspective along with their personal views in an article which are most often found when reading between the lines. 

Another tip for distinguishing articles comes from analysing the data available in the article, as Chat GPT go off on algorithms and pre-existing data from which they enforce their words and weave into a compelling article. Humans on the other often tend to add something extra to the pre-existing knowledge and aren’t completely based on robotic research and interviews. This is precisely what pertains originality to one’s article in the ‘human world’.

In the end, it’s not like there aren’t any ways to distinguish the two types of articles as even if they are almost identically similar, to a trained eye, they are vastly different. But then again maybe all of this is a hoax and none of what’s written on this white sheet is real. Maybe, just maybe all of it has been generated by AI, or maybe it’s majority written in 0’s and 1’s while some words have been tinkered with, or maybe it’s an original piece altogether – one shall never know! 


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